Are you feeling anxious, depressed, overwhelmed and just feel like giving up some days? If so, maybe you need support to help  guide and direct your healing process.

Whatever your reasons for counselling it is worthwhile to remember that we cannot heal alone. We are social beings and we are meant to be in relationship. We are created, wounded and healed in relationships. Any suffering consisting of domestic violence, trauma, anxiety, depression, addiction and mental health issues can all be healed through relationships.

We all need to feel safe, loved and accepted if we are going to travel the journey to wholeness. Being in relationship with a safe person ~ a counsellor ~ is a bridge to a healthier, wiser and more evolved you. Being heard, validated, and encouraged in a safe, loving and nurturing environment helps you to love, embrace and accept who you are as you continue to move forward along your journey.

Remember, you are worth the investment!

Call Debbie today for your 30 minute complimentary session.

couples counselling

When a couple makes the decision to attend marriage counselling they have generally exhausted all of their own attempts before doing so. ...more

trauma therapy

EMDR (eye movement, desensitization and reprocessing) as a highly successful therapeutic technique for treating trauma and PTSD. ...more

addiction & mental health

The first step of any healing process is admitting that you have a problem. ...more

When I first started seeing Debbie. Life had no meaning. My wife and daughter where at the point of leaving me. No matter how hard I tried I could not be the person they needed me to be… Since EMDR treatment I have found peace with the trauma in my past and realize the beauty of the future I have with my wife, daughter, family and friends.

Kyle D. (Chilliwack BC)

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